About Dragonfly Real Estate Photography

Hi there. My name is Derek Goodwin, and I am the founder and lead photographer at Dragonfly Real Estate Photography.

I’ve been into photography since I was a little kid. I was shy when I was younger, and the camera gave me a way to meet people. I have been taking pictures ever since, and made it a profession back in the aughts. And yes, it has transformed my shyness!

After a couple decades of specializing in portrait and event photography, I wanted to try something new. I dived into Real Estate Photography in NYC in 2018, and loved it from the get-go. It was lots of fun exploring the various properties and luxury lofts around Manhattan with my camera, as you can imagine!

Since then I have grown my skillset and incorporated the latest technologies into my real estate photography offerings. I learned to use Matterport cameras to create 3D Tours during the pandemic, and the floor plan apps and AI powered versions of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop once they came on the scene. In 2021 I fell in love with flying drones and became a Certified Remote Pilot (FAA Part 107) so I could fly the really cool ones.

Hello Asheville!

I had been talking about moving to Asheville, NC for a few years, and in 2024 my partner and I finally moved to a sweet and cozy home in Weaverville.

One lovely night not too long before we moved, we drew cards from her oracle deck. She pulled the Blue Heron card, and I found myself with the Dragonfly. We decided that Blue Heron Dragonfly would be the name of our business ventures together in Asheville.

Our first offering is Dragonfly Real Estate Photography. I want to help people sell their homes and properties by finding the beauty and charm of the rooms, the architectures, the landscapes, and the views from high above.

As much as I love taking photos, it’s truly the human connection that I am still interested in. I am looking forward to meeting and working with Asheville’s colorful realtors, homeowners, Airbnb hosts, investors, contractors, and photography geeks. Hit me up!


Derek ‘Pashupa’ Goodwin has a BFA in Fine Art Photography from the Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT). He has been photographing people, events, and animals since the turn of the millenium. He worked as the Web Editor for Jivamukti Yoga (an international yoga brand based in NYC) from 2012-2018. He is known around the globe for his portfolio of farm animals living on farm animal sanctuaries, and for his yoga photography portfolio. His work has been featured in books, magazines, on billboards, and all over the internet.